
Mobil: +351-914-732-187

Miradouro Media Lda is a film producing limited company registered in Portugal. Miradouro Media Lda is the copyright holder of the documentary Judgment in Hungary represented by the producer: Sandor Mester (Sandro Carlos), managing director, and co-founder of Miradouro Media Lda.

Miradouro Media Lda also has the right for World-wide sales of Judgment in Hungary. Judgment in Hungary was directed by Eszter Hajdu.

This website is the official website of Judgment in Hungary. All written information you can find on this site is free to distribute, re-distribute and/or publish. If you want to re-edit it and publish it you have to ask for a permission from the producer.

The trailer that you find on this web-site is the only official trailer of Judgment in Hungary. The trailer can be published, re-published.

You can watch Judgment in Hungary on the film page through VIMEO after having rented it for 24 (twenty four) hours. It is not allowed to make any kind of screening, public screening or show any picture/segment of the film without the written permission of the producer.

Educational screenings of Judgment in Hungary are not allowed without the permission of the producer. If you would like to do any kind of screening (educational, organizational, non-cinema etc.) you have to send a request through:

Any inappropriate usage, distribution of Judgment in Hungary is a copyright infringment.